A: // - I never finish anything. // There are so many loose threads laying around that I constantly get tangled up, tripping over, in my search for the other end that will lead me to the core of fragments. // - So what did you do when you felt the jealousy taking over?
// // - You seem to do well. // - I never finish anything // // Pragmatism: What doesn’t break you makes you stronger. // You told me things that never happened and every time I fell in your trap. Every time I wanted to believe and I gave you new opportunities, more time and more love wanting and waiting for you to do the same. You have realized that too, now, too late. And with all the words you spoke and wrote, by now, you created this powerless circumstance. // - Everything is normal. //
// A person had been telling an extravagant story. The story was hilarious and included a bit of unflattering clumsiness. He had been telling the story for years until he then by coincidence told it directly to the person that it had actually happened to, the original storyteller. When confronted he realized, after some denial and embarrassment, that he had adopted the story, embedded it so vividly in his mind that he thought it was his own. // I couldn’t do it. It was as if I had lost my concentration and my focus. I tried to get into it, I wanted to create the fantasy and step in. But I sat there looking at the containers and cups and I thought: // He sat there with one of his teeth rotten and dead, with needle head pupils, nervous fingers and a fully developed disconnection to reality, probably in a psychosis, 27 years old. // // Everybody has to keep the secret, or the party won't be a surprise. // He and I went around town searching for materials. But we also talked. I know more about you than you think. // - What is under the black blocks? //
Well, Rome, what can I say. It kept me awake on different levels, ever night someone was screaming, crying, yelling, arguing, laughing, celebrating or chanting outside my windows. If this didn't wake me up, sirens or a loud motorcycle would do the trick. One night I woke up in complete terror hearing a man primal scream ROMA as if he was condemned to hell and already caught on fire. The narrow space between the tile houses functioned as a perfect, always turned on, amplifier. I don't think you // (this is one, not to you but to someone else) // Don’t tell me what you know. |